A woman sitting on the couch waiting for her San Francisco sexual assault lawyer to call her.San Francisco Sexual Assault & Harassment Attorneys

San Francisco Sexual Assault & Harassment Attorneys

How Does a San Francisco Sexual Assault Lawyer Help You?

Sexual assault is a serious offense, and perpetrators must be held accountable for their actions. If you or a loved one were affected by sexual assault or abuse, you may be entitled to significant compensation for your losses. Standing up for yourself could also lead to safer spaces for others just like you.

Many in our communities may be affected by sexual assault and don’t know what their rights are or how to proceed with legal action. At Levin Simes, we work closely with survivors of sexual assault and abuse, and are well-versed in the deep emotional considerations that must accompany their legal needs. 

As a women-led law firm, our team focuses on uncovering the structures and mechanisms that often allow sexual assault to occur in the first place, and hold the responsible parties accountable.

If you or a loved one have been affected by sexual misconduct and need legal representation to move forward, reach out to us at (415) 426-3000. We are ready to hear you, help you, and do all in our power to secure what you need to heal.

What Is the Difference Between Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment?

Sexual abuse is a general term that can include the following forms of assault and harassment:

  • Sexual assault refers to physical sexual contact or behavior that occurs without explicit consent of the victim. Some forms of sexual assault include unwanted sexual touching, forcing a victim to view or perform sexual acts, attempted rape, and rape. 
  • Sexual harassment is used to refer to any non-physical unwanted sexual interactions. This could include sexual comments like catcalling or inappropriate questions, as well as visual or written forms of sexual material like unsolicited sexual texts or pictures sent or left around intentionally.

These sexual violations can happen in any type of setting, including social gatherings, home and domestic environments, rideshare arrangements, and at school or in the workplace. See our FAQs below for more specific examples of what is considered harassment under the law.

What Kind of Settlement Can a San Francisco Sexual Harassment Lawyer Help Secure?

At Levin Simes, our verdicts and settlements include groundbreaking results for survivors of sexual harassment and assault. While each case result is based on a person’s unique injuries and needs, here are some general areas of compensation you may be entitled to:

  • Reimbursement for financial losses such as medical expenses, therapy costs, or lost wages (both past and future).
  • Payment for emotional pain and suffering, including persistent conditions like depression, anxiety, PTSD, and loss of companionship in your relationships (legally discussed as consortium).
  • Reinstatement or job promotion if you were wrongfully terminated or denied promotions as a result of sexual harassment or abuse.
  • Non-financial remedies like policy changes to a workplace or institution's procedures to prevent future harassment, or mandatory training for employees or students on sexual harassment prevention and reporting.
  • Confidentiality agreements and/or public apologies, such as a clause preventing the other party from defaming you, or a mandated public acknowledgment of wrongdoing from the harasser or the institution involved.

It's important to note that the specifics of each settlement can vary widely based on the facts of the case, and the negotiation skills of your attorney. We encourage you to contact our experienced sexual assault and harassment lawyer to discuss your options and determine the best course of action to achieve what you need, want, and deserve.

According to a study from the University of California San Diego’s School of Medicine, reported incidences of sexual harassment in California are 5% higher for women and 10% higher for men than the national average. It also found that immigrant-born men and members of the LGBT community are also at increased risk. 

In pursuing justice for yourself, you can help prevent future abuses, and even protect some of your most marginalized neighbors. Contact Levin Simes in San Francisco at (415) 426-3000 — justice for you is good for us all.

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What Does a San Francisco Sexual Abuse Attorney Do for Your Case? (3 Key Services)

Our San Francisco sexual abuse attorneys play a crucial role in helping our clients seek justice and compensation for the harm they have suffered. 

Here are the three key responsibilities and actions that a sexual assault or harassment lawyer typically takes on when handling a case:

1. Initial Consultation

Initially, your attorney will meet with you to understand your situation, assess the strength of the case, and provide legal advice on your potential courses of action. 

Once a plan is in place, your lawyer will then conduct a thorough investigation to gather evidence related to the sexual abuse. This could include interviewing witnesses, collecting documents, and obtaining any physical evidence.

2. Case Prep

Based on the evidence and our legal research, your attorney from Levin Simes will develop a strategic plan for pursuing the case. This may involve reporting abuses to relevant authorities, making demands for actions or compensation before suing, or ultimately filing a civil lawsuit against the perpetrator(s) and any other responsible parties. 

Institutions or organizations that failed to protect you, or may have been complicit in the abuse you suffered, can be held liable along with individual actors. These could include a school, church or faith-based organization, your workplace, and jails/prisons or immigration detention centers.

3. Engaging in Negotiations

Your attorney can engage in negotiations on your behalf with the individual who assaulted you, their legal team, or any insurance companies involved in the matter. We can help serve as a wall of separation between you and these triggering interactions to protect your peace and mental health.  

If the other side refuses to reach a fair settlement agreement, our sexual assault attorneys are fully prepared to argue your case before a judge or jury. Most sexual abuse injury cases never go to trial, and even those that do are often settled before a final verdict is made. 


Throughout each of these phases, your attorney from Levin Simes also works to provide emotional support. We understand that sexual abuse cases can be emotionally challenging, and will help connect you with survivor resources that can help you not just survive, but thrive.

What Our Clients are Saying

A.W. | Temple Hills, MD
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Got Me My Settlement Before I Expected It!

The law firm was awesome handling my case. They were very professional and understanding of what happened to me. They also got me my settlement before I expected it!!

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Could Not Have Been More Supportive

The team at Levin Simes LLP could not have been more supportive in handling my case. The entire process was smooth, professional, and done with the utmost respect. I am forever changed from this experience and it would not have happened without their help!”

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Highly Satisfactory Result For All

Levin Simes has done an exemplar job in handling our asbestos claim from both a business and personal perspective. Their diligence, competence and compassion combined to produce a highly satisfactory result for all members of our family during the difficult time of losing our father to this horrible disease.

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Extremely Grateful

I am extremely grateful for the handwork and dedication that Levin Simes LLP delivered, I couldn’t have handled this without them. They are professional and care about you! I highly recommend!

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Best Decision I Ever Made

Working with the attorneys from Levin Simes was the best decision I ever made. Everyone is so friendly and understanding. Thank you for all your hard work, Levin Simes LLP.

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Contact San Francisco Sexual Assault & Harassment Attorneys

Acts of sexual abuse are degrading and dehumanizing, but they do not diminish you. Taking legal action can help restore your sense of peace and power, and may help stop dangerous predators from harming others.

Why Hire Levin Simes

Our personal injury attorneys have years of relevant experience in successfully litigating sexual abuse cases. We have been in the news for industry-leading legal achievements in the area of rideshare sexual harassment and assault. We are unafraid of taking on large national and international companies that ignore or facilitate sexual abuse. We will be your voice in the court system to secure the justice you deserve. 

If you or someone you know have been sexually mistreated, contact our women-led team of sexual assault and harassment lawyers at (415) 426-3000. We will pursue this important work on your behalf, so that you can return to your life and heal in peace.

Proudly Representing San Francisco Residents

We never settle for less.
Why should you?

Reaching out to a lawyer is the first step on your path towards recovering a better quality of life. At Levin Simes, we give our undivided attention to each client, and all communications are held in the strictest of confidence. We are on hand to guide you through the process and support you at every step of the way. Contact us by filling out the form or calling us directly at (415) 993-9989.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 3 types of sexual harassment?

The three main types of sexual harassment are outlined as follows: 

  • Verbal/written: This can include inappropriate remarks, catcalling, or unwanted invitations through emails or other writings.
  • Visual: Exposing another person to offensive or unwelcomed images, such as explicit photos or drawings.
  • Physical: Any form of unwanted or unwelcome physical contact, including touching, brushing up against, fondling, and abusive behavior or assaults.

While these definitions are usually applied in a work or employment setting, knowing these boundaries can often be helpful in other situations (such as at a school or care program).

What are the long-term effects of sexual assault and harassment?

Long-term symptoms and effects of sexual assault and harassment can include anxiety, fear, post-traumatic stress disorder, feelings of guilt or shame, and shock or disbelief. These feelings persist for many years and even decades. These psychological injuries are just as real as physical harm caused by sexual abuse, such as unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, or violence from an assault.

All of these damages can be accounted for when making demands surrounding your case. You deserve all the support possible for the treatment needed to feel whole again.

How long will a sexual assault lawsuit take?

Each case is different, and there is no set amount of time for a sexual assault lawsuit. Generally speaking, it can take anywhere from a few months to a year or longer to fully resolve the legal issues. 

Sexual assault cases can be complex and can involve highly detailed laws and statutes. However, the services of a qualified sexual assault lawyer can ensure that your case is moving along and that no important requirements or milestones are missed.

When should I contact a sexual assault attorney?

You should contact an experienced sexual assault lawyer as soon as you are able to after an abuse incident. This will ensure that you are protected as you take the next steps to resolve your case. Your attorney will be the one to handle your legal needs moving forward.

In addition, there will be filing deadlines associated with your legal claim. If you miss these deadlines, or the filing window ends, you may miss your chance to recover damages and hold the perpetrator accountable. Thus, you should contact our sexual abuse attorneys immediately at (415) 426-3000 if you have been violated, or if you suspect that another person is being mistreated and need legal answers.