Today: Video of Vape Battery Explosion Interview with Victim

By Levin Simes
June 18, 2018

June 18, 2018: The Today Show interviewed Kevin Kings, who is one of the latest victims of exploding vape batteries.   Kevin was pulling into his driveway, when suddenly the e-cig battery  exploded in his pocket and burst into flames.   He jumped out of his car, with his pants and leg on fire.  The fire then caused the second battery in his other pocket to explode and shoot out, striking him in the face.  Doctors said that had the battery shrapnel shot a single inch over, Kevin could have lost his vision.   His burns are so severe that a skin graft is needed to cover the burn wounds.   “This is the worst pain I’ve ever been in my life,” says Kevin.

Vape Battery Lawyer

Contact the lawyers at Levin Simes if you have any questions regarding vape battery products. Our attorneys specialize in representing clients injured by electronic pen or mod devices including vape battery explosions. Whether it was a loose 18650 battery that caught fire or a vape mod explosion, reach us at (415) 426-3000,, or through this website form or chat.

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