Mesothelioma Treatment Update: New Combo Therapy Improves Patient Outcome; Open Clinical Trials

By Levin Simes
June 29, 2018

June 29th, 2018: A new study published June 2018 in the Lancet’s Respiratory Medicine journal found a new combination therapy that improved patient outcome compared to standard chemotherapy treatment.

Combination Treatment for Mesothelioma

The study paired durvalumab (Imfinzi) and tremelimumab in combination, and compared the results to standard modern chemotherapy treatment for mesothelioma.

The median time before progression occurred again in survivors was 8 months, and overall median survival time was 16 months, an improvement against standard therapy. This medication was considered after proving to be effective in combating melanoma cancer.

Mesothelioma Treatment Clinical Studies

This particular trial was a Phase II mesothelioma clinical trial. Other mesothelioma clinical trials are open and ongoing, including trials accepting new patients. Clinical trials focus on novel treatments for prolonging survival time, increasing quality of life, increasing the time before tumors spread, or a mixture of goals. For a list of ongoing clinical trials see the links below:

UCSF ; San Francisco, California: 3 open trials, now accepting new patients.

MD Anderson Cancer Center ; Houston, Texas:6 open clinical trials.

Memorial Sloan Kettering ; New York, New York 7 clinical trials.

Mayo Clinic ; Rochester, Minnesota: 8 clinical trials.

Mesothelioma Prognosis Information

To learn more about mesothelioma, navigate to our mesothelioma home page. From there you can learn about the staging of cancer, stage 1 through stage 4, symptoms and more. If you have any questions please contact us at (415) 426-3000 or with any questions.

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