Laurel Simes on Press Play with Madeleine Brand to Discuss Lyft Sexual Assaults

By Levin Simes
August 22, 2019

Laurel Simes Appears on KCRW to Discuss Lyft Sexual Assaults

Levin Simes partner Laurel Simes appeared on KCRW’s Press Play with Madeleine Brand to discuss recent lawsuits her firm has filed against Lyft for rideshare sexual assaults.  Levin Simes brought these initial lawsuits on behalf of seven female riders who had been sexually harassed, assaulted, or raped by poorly vetted Lyft drivers.

Lyft Sexual Assault Lawsuit

The lead-in to the audio segment notes:

The suits come just two years after the president of the ride sharing app described Lyft as the “woke counterpart” to Uber. Uber, at that time, was dealing with its own sexual harassment scandal.

Last year, a CNN investigation also found that more than 100 Uber drivers had been accused of sexually assaulting passengers in the past four years.

So how safe is it to get into a Lyft or Uber?

Madeleine and Laurel discuss some of the assaults involved in the filed “Jane Doe” cases, the history of rideshare and how these companies vet new drivers, and how Lyft is liable for the actions of their drivers and their company in failing to provide a safe ride to passengers.

Lyft Lawyer

Levin Simes represents hundreds of rideshare survivors of sexual assault and harassment.  If you or a loved one was harassed or assaulted and wish to have a private discussion with an attorney, please contact our rideshare lawyers at (415) 426-3000 or We can set up a private time to talk and discuss the case.

Lyft and Uber recently dropped mandatory arbitration for survivors, and women are now free to decide for themselves if and how they wish to proceed.

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