Growing Vape Explosions Match Growth in US E-Cig Sales

By Levin Simes
January 19, 2018
E-Cig Sales and Explosions

Vape and e-cig devices powered by 18650 and other Li-on batteries are growing as a market in the United States. If you’ve read the news you’ve also seen stories about vape battery explosions and injuries, and lawsuits against manufacturers and sellers of e-cig devices due to the serious injuries.

As seen in the US Fire Administration’s E-Cig Battery Fire report, vape explosions are an increasing occurrence that tracks similarly to the number of devices sold.  Quite simply, as the market grows larger for these devices the number of device explosions increases. Levin Simes lawyers represent dozens of individuals injured by vape explosions, and continue to be contacted by those newly injured seeking a lawyer to represent them.

E-Cig Explosions Vs Sales

We will continue to post new updates with news from the U.S. Fire Administration’s report. You can read more about e-cig vape battery explosions below. If you have experienced an injury from vape explosions, contact Levin Simes today at (415) 426-3000 or

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