14 year old blinded by exploding e-cigarette

By Levin Simes
May 10, 2016

A 14-year-old had both of his cornea’s ripped and his hands burned by an explosion from an e-cigarette at a mall kiosk.

The Kings Plaza Mall in Brooklyn, NY is not allowed to sell devices to those under the age of 21, according to local New York city laws. Despite this, the 14 year old was handed an e-cigarette that the contained a dangerous battery. E-cig batteries like all batteries have physical limits regarding charging or discharging limits, and many e-cigarette’s have universal ports to plug with a variety of chargers. Many e-cig devices contain no safety features to detect if a battery has been charged in an unsafe manner, either internally or externally. Other e-cig devices are designed to be modified without any safety features to prevent unsafe combinations, detect battery failures or detect overheating. In this case the device battery exploded, causing:

  • A complete tear through the cornea in his left eye, causing blindness
  • A partial tear through the cornea in his right eye, causing partial blindness
  • Burns on both hands
  • Burns and cuts to his face

Read our page on e-cigarette battery explosions here, where you can find a list of ways in which these devices can fail and cause injury. Read our blog post showing a video of a e-cig exploding here.

If you or a loved one has been injured by an e-cigarette battery explosion, Levin Simes has accepted battery explosion lawsuits and is investigating new e-cig battery explosions. Contact Levin Simes about your potential e-cig battery explosion lawsuit today, at (415) 426-3000 or info@levinsimes.com.

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